My troubled mind wanders—lost in a troubled state; My peace is the apathy for future outcomes— Apathy for the future is so hard to inculcate. There’s calm before the storm—I let my mind meditate. Impending cloudburst a falling droplet welcomes. My troubled mind wanders—lost in a troubled state. My heartbeat chooses to race with the pace of fate. With each pace, more fickle, arrhythmic it becomes— Apathy for the future is so hard to inculcate. The calmest of waters hides a turbulence innate. Doubts crumbling self-esteem leave trails of bread crumbs. My troubled mind wanders—lost in a troubled state. These fleeting bubbles. What if the bubbles deflate? My troubled mind to an intoxicant succumbs— Apathy for the future is so hard to inculcate. My peace is the apathy for future outcomes. In probabilities, distributions, and sums My troubled mind wanders—lost in a troubled state— Apathy for the future is so hard to inculcate.
Note: This is my first villanelle. I like the simplicity of a villanelle's structure and the repetitive lines which, in turn, restrict the number of lines that the poet has to elaborate the idea. —S.B. (16.04.2021)