- Sauvik Biswas - https://sauvikbiswas.com -

Day 9: From Prague to Berlin

On days that involve travel, there isn’t much to be done. There isn’t much to write either.

I had some Czech Korunas that would be of no use once I was back in Germany. I wasn’t worried much about the exchange rates as the amount was not much. My bus arrived at 10:40 AM and I still had quite some time to spare so that I could change my Korunas to Euros.


I was surprised to find a CCD in Prague main railway station. Being an Indian, it made me very happy.

During my stay in Prague, I shared my room with a sixty-five-year-old man. He was a New Zealander who was now settled in Australia. He had travelled all around the world and had worked all sorts of odd jobs. Most of my nights were spent listening to his anecdotes and stories. He had interest in all sorts of things—right from watches, functional clothing, economy, politics, culture, etc.. He even taught himself Calculus and learned Java while he was in India. He was one of the very few westerners who knew exactly how India was and how things functioned.

Yesterday, we shared a meal together in a Vietnamese restaurant.


Graham “Bob” Forrester—man of the world; a true nomad.

He showed me a chronological micro-diary that he uses to take notes. It’s very effective for keeping track of various items such as events, location, items, etc. I told him that I would steal that idea and adapt it.

My bus arrived in Berlin at 4:00 PM. It was already dark. Partho was not able to make it but he promised that he would catch a bus early in the morning and reach here by noon the next day. My hostel was in Hauptbahnhof—which meant I had to travel from the central bus station via train and get there. En route, the train stopped and we all had to get down. There was some issue with the engine. The transportation service is so good that one need not worry about such disruptions—there was a follow-up train within five minutes.


Just outside Berlin Hauptbahnhof

Day 10: Berlin Wall and the Underground [4]
Day 8: Prague Castle and National Museum [5]