00: Front matter
01: About this project

In 2011, I was in a really bad financial shape. Fortunately, I landed a job. I needed a way to build up my wealth while tackling all the financial mess that I was in. I started following a number of personal finance blogs—the most prominent of them would be Mr. Money Moustache, Get Rich Slowly, and Early Retirement Extreme. These blogs were pivotal in not only understanding how money works but also how to design my lifestyle.

There was a small catch. Most of these blogs were written by people who lived in developed nations—more specifically in USA and Canada. As a consequence, I had to understand what things mean in Indian context.

In 2021—about 10 years later—I am in a decent financial state. I have explained a number of principles to a couple of friends of mine and helped them build spreadsheets that in turn helps them in planning their own personal finances. This project is me documenting these principles and explanations here so that others in India can be benefitted, too.

Before I close, I must say that I am no certified financial advisor. I like doing my own analysis and I present these instructions, explanations, and analysis with no warranty or liability. In case you would want to get a second opinion, please do so but please approach a fee-only financial planner.