My new sleep cycle
My new sleep cycle is working pretty fine. I go to bed by 10:00 pm and wake up next day at 5:30 am. This gives me an hours time to go out for a small bike ride. I am in office by 7:30 am and out by 4:30 pm. For some reason, it frees up quite a lot of time in the evening.
Today, it freed up enough time to watch an entire set of lecture of Machine Learning before heading off to have some KFC chicken and a movie with my colleagues.
“In India, marriage is like a race between you and your mom.”
This was one of those weird discussions we have at tea. Rueben asked Ravish if he was going to get married the next year. Ravish, being in his early 20s, replied that he wasn’t even considering the prospect of getting married. He also mentionedĀ that he had no intention of getting sucked into an arranged marriage, either.
That’s when that gem of a statement was uttered by Rueben. This is not an exact quote but more like a paraphrase
In India, marriage is like a race between you and your mom. Either you get some girl or your mom will get some girl for you. Your mom is the hare who has given you, the tortoise, some head start in this race.
On Jason Bourne, the movie
Paytm’s 2+1 offer on movies got three of us tickets at two-thirds the regular price. Since Suicide Squad had pretty bad critical reviews, we decided to spend our money on Jason Bourne instead.
It was a pretty entertaining movie. I realised was that the movie was shot almost entirely using the shaky, handheld camera technique [1]. I don’t think it works well for action movies. Sure, it accentuates the motion but fails to focus on the flow of the action itself. The only places where it felt ok were the vehicle chase scenes. The hand to hand combat scenes were the worst affected.
Just look at this trailer:
I revisited the other trailers from the series and realised that all its predecessors had also used the same shaky, handheld camera technique. Now watch this amazing analysis of Jackie Chan’s action shots by Tony from Every Frame a Painting. He isĀ one of the masters of modern visual action albeit his genre is slightly different from Jason Bourne kind of movies.