- Sauvik Biswas - https://sauvikbiswas.com -

An experiment in electronic / ambient music.

I have very limited means and even limited talent when it comes to music. I can’t play that well, I can’t play fast. Sometimes I fail to even play something in time (but I have improved a lot in the last five years).

All I have are a guitar,  the computer and some software (Reaper, Reason 5, Waves VST)

Now that I am relatively free from Dark Project stuff, I can take a few strides sideways and explore some other forms of music. The idea is to create a sequencing based / electronic album with roughly 6-7 songs under strict limitations. I will give myself some ground rules.

  1. No use of microphones. Anything that will be recorded must be via MIDI or DI. My source of MIDI data is mouse clicks on piano roll or recording via computer keyboard with a MIDI keyboard emulator program.
  2. Use only available presets of Reason. No modification of presets allowed.
  3. The same goes for VST plugins on my DAW (Reaper) – including guitar or bass processing.
  4. The only exception are the mixing and mastering level plugins.
  5. Creating 6 minutes of music must not take greater than three weeks. In other words, at a minimum, 2 minutes of music must be recorded per week. The only exception is vacation time.
  6. At a given instance, not more than six tracks (or instruments) can play simultaneously. This includes the recorded as well as sequenced tracks.

I will call this Project IWZ and report my progress every week on my blog.

Last weekend I did "nothing" and a small trek [1]
Mumbai Confidential: A nice touch of noir [2]