- Sauvik Biswas - https://sauvikbiswas.com -

Cleaning my Workstation

In a process to declutter my physical space, I have chalked out a few things. Today I spent about an hour to turn this

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to this (you can still see the junk at the lower left corner).

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The workstation contained a lot of items that I haven’t used in a year.

  1. The primary one was a Creative 2.1 speaker system that was superseded by the Yamaha monitors. I have packed it and placed it on a storage shelf.
  2. There was a mess of tangled cables. Most of them were disconnected! All I had to do was remove them. The longer cables are now anchored via hooks on the wall. At least I can pull my table away and clean the floor now.
  3.  There were a few things that acted as interfaces and breakouts for recording devices. I have disconnected them. Since I haven’t used them in a long time, I thought I would connect them as and when required.
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